◆ 产品编号:p0016143 |
◆ 产品名:SG-3030 type spiral rapid mixer |
产品详细介绍 |
SG-3030-type spiral is large and medium speed mixer institutions, environmental protection, scientific research, health, disease prevention, petroleum, metallurgy, chemical, food and other units of the laboratory testing of practical tools for staff ideal for large chemical reaction, solution Also less uniform speed but also the solution quickly, and can only be used in vitro, than the color tubes, small flasks of the experiment, provides an ideal tool, the instrument not only solve the blender can not solve the problem, but also saves a lot of research time, using fast and accurate results. Features: 1 use: When using this device, please check the random parts are complete, a power cord (plug), a rubber sponge, and then first plug in and plug connected equipment, plug in the power, turn the power switch, power indicator light, began to work. adjust speed control knob to the desired speed can be. working pressure according to the severity of your hand, even the speed of solution in a test tube also will speed the use of test tube or cuvette solution does not exceed 1 / 2 as well more uniform solution, use a flask, to ensure security, use the end, turn off the power. 2 Note: to ensure safety, please use ground. equipment should be clean and dry, non-solution into the machine, so as not to damage the parts.
技术参数 |
1, power: 40W 2, the oscillation frequency :0-3000 rpm 3, vibration amplitude: 5 mm 4, the working dimensions (mm): 95 5, the external dimensions (mm): 190 * 120 * 180 length * height * width
货号 | 名称 | 规格 | 备注 | 市场价 | 现在销售价 | 是否现货 | 购买 | c0040086 | SG-3030 type spiral rapid mixer | the oscillation frequency :0-3000 rpm | the working dimensions (mm): 95 | 750.00 | 600.00 | 现货 |  |
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