产品特点 特有的静外特征及良好的动态性能,高效节能 电弧自调节能力强,引弧成功率高,焊接飞溅小,溶敷率高,焊缝成形美观。 具有过流、过压、过热等多面保护特征,可靠性高,适用于恶劣环境长时间工作。 具有“长焊缝/短焊缝”选择功能及遥控装置,可进行小电流引弧,收弧。 适合全位置焊接,初学者也能自如操作。
Product characteristic Unique stafic characterstic,good dynamic performace,and energy saving. Self adiust functrion of electric arc igntion,less spatters,perfect weld appearance. Mult-protection of over-current,over,voltage and ove-heart.high reliability,suitable to use under adverse enuironment for long time. Selection modse of long/short weld,build-in remote.control divice,capabel of ignion and cratering craterin dlectric arc with small current. Suiable for all positiion of welding.Easy to operateeven for very beginners.