家万福品质提供: *安全柜符合OSHA29CER1910,106和NFPACODE30; *内衬强酸和釉彩安全柜; *安全柜内壁,内顶,储槽和层板均100%的非缝合内衬,能有效的防锈和抵抗泄漏化学品的腐蚀; *持久耐用,热塑料无孔喷涂让您更容易更彻底的对柜子清洁; *十年的保质期让您更节省费用; *能z大限度的保护您的酸性和腐蚀性化学品,同时又可以防火,有多种颜色和规格可选; *安全柜外部用特别制作的环氧树脂喷涂,能长时间的抵抗苛刻的化学品腐蚀。
The high performance security cabinet achieved the OSHA standard (American professional security healthy administrative bureau), conforms to NFPA (American country fire prevention association) the 30th stipulation request to use in the standard to save the flammable explosive liquid and the dangerous chemical.
◆The fire resistant security cabinet whole for the double-decked fire resistant steel plate structure, between two steel plates is separated 40mm, inner fills the special fire resistant material, the fire protection function is more remarkable.
◆Uses the high quality cold rolling steel plate, which gain strength, the fire protection function is better.
◆The bottom 50mm high liquid tight containment of cabinet body can greatly hold chemistry liquid leak.
◆Exclusive "spill-catcher" shelves could bear 400 lbs steel safety can, which can prevent the corrosion and hold the liquid to leak.
◆Using three languages high identified labels, anti-corrosive.
◆Dual fire resistant vents with built-in flash arresters strategically placed at both side of cabinets.
◆Four adjustable "spill-catcher" horizontal shelves could guarantee the cabinet body steady.